The Ultimate List Of Would You Rather Questions To Start A Unique Conversation

Would you rather create your own ‘Would You Rather’ questions or choose from this awesome list? We thought so! Below, you’ll find over 200 ‘Would You Rather’ questions, each designed to start a conversation. From fun to silly, and serious to thought-provoking, every question is guaranteed to spark unique and interesting discussions. Let’s kick things off on a light note with some fun ‘Would You Rather’ questions for kids.
Would You Rather Questions For Kids

- Would you rather be able to fly like a bird or swim like a dolphin?
- Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet unicorn?
- Would you rather be able to talk to animals or speak every language in the world?
- Would you rather have pizza for every meal or ice cream for every meal?
- Would you rather be a famous inventor or a famous explorer?
- Would you rather live in a giant treehouse or a castle made of candy?
- Would you rather have super speed or super strength?
- Would you rather be an astronaut and explore space or be a deep-sea diver and explore the ocean?
- Would you rather have a magic carpet that flies or a personal robot?
- Would you rather be able to create new colors or new sounds?
- Would you rather have the ability to shrink down to the size of an ant or grow to the size of a giant?
- Would you rather be a wizard in a magical world or the captain of a pirate ship?
- Would you rather have a never-ending supply of your favorite snack or your favorite toy?
- Would you rather be able to control the weather or have the power to talk with plants?
- Would you rather be the best at drawing or the best at singing?
- Would you rather live in a world where everyone bounces like kangaroos or where everyone flies like birds?
- Would you rather have a tail like a monkey or ears like a rabbit?
- Would you rather have a backyard that’s a huge trampoline or a huge swimming pool?
- Would you rather go on a treasure hunt or go on a space adventure?
- Would you rather have shoes that can make you dance brilliantly or a hat that can make you invisible?
Would You Rather Questions For Teenagers

- Would you rather give up social media for a year or give up video games for a year?
- Would you rather be the star player on a losing sports team or ride the bench on a winning team?
- Would you rather have the ability to read minds or the ability to teleport anywhere?
- Would you rather be famous on YouTube or famous on Instagram?
- Would you rather ace every test without studying or win every game you play?
- Would you rather live without music or live without movies for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather have a time machine that only goes back in time or one that only goes forward?
- Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day?
- Would you rather have unlimited texting with no calling or unlimited calling with no texting?
- Would you rather never have to do homework again or never have to take exams again?
- Would you rather spend a day with your favorite celebrity or your favorite YouTube influencer?
- Would you rather live in a world where there was no internet or in a world where there was no TV?
- Would you rather be able to control your dreams every night or never have to sleep?
- Would you rather be the smartest person in school or the most popular?
- Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
- Would you rather lose all of your current friends but become the most popular person in school, or keep your current friends but never make any new ones?
- Would you rather have a successful career based on a talent you don’t currently have or a mediocre career based on your current talents?
- Would you rather always say everything on your mind or never speak again?
- Would you rather know all the world’s secrets or live in blissful ignorance?
- Would you rather live in a virtual reality where you are all-powerful or live in the real world and be average?
Would You Rather Questions For Adults

- Would you rather work in your dream job for average pay or work in an unfulfilling job for triple the salary?
- Would you rather live without internet for a year or without air conditioning and heating for a year?
- Would you rather have the ability to time travel at will or the ability to instantly learn any skill?
- Would you rather retire early with just enough money to live comfortably or work until you’re 70 and be wealthy?
- Would you rather have a two-hour daily commute to your dream job or work just minutes from home in a less desirable job?
- Would you rather live in a small house with an amazing view or a massive mansion in a subdivision?
- Would you rather give up caffeine forever or give up alcohol forever?
- Would you rather have a personal chef or a personal housekeeper?
- Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones?
- Would you rather have the power to gently influence anyone’s mind or have complete knowledge of every language?
- Would you rather never have to work again or never have to sleep again without getting tired?
- Would you rather have an unlimited gift card to your favorite restaurant or an unlimited airline ticket to destinations of your choice?
- Would you rather go back to age 18 knowing everything you know now or know now everything your future self will learn?
- Would you rather live in your dream home in a mediocre location or live in your dream location in a mediocre home?
- Would you rather have an extra hour every day or have an extra week of vacation every year?
- Would you rather be able to erase your biggest regret or have the foresight to avoid future mistakes?
- Would you rather have a job where you travel excessively or one where you’re always working from home?
- Would you rather live in a utopian virtual reality or in the real world with all its problems?
- Would you rather have the ability to speak all foreign languages or be able to communicate with animals?
- Would you rather spend a year at sea on a luxury yacht or a year traveling through Europe with a budget?
Funny Would You Rather Questions

- Would you rather have to sing everything you say or dance everywhere you go?
- Would you rather have a permanent clown nose or permanent elf ears?
- Would you rather always talk like a robot or always laugh like a pirate?
- Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?
- Would you rather have fingers as long as your legs or legs as long as your fingers?
- Would you rather have a head the size of a tennis ball or the size of a watermelon?
- Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
- Would you rather have your only mode of transportation be a donkey or a unicycle?
- Would you rather wear a clown wig every day or a tutu every day?
- Would you rather always smell like garlic or always smell like onions?
- Would you rather have every movie you watch slowly turn into “Shrek” halfway through or every song you listen to slowly turn into “All Star” by Smash Mouth?
- Would you rather have a permanent unibrow or no eyebrows at all?
- Would you rather always have to enter rooms by announcing your name or always have to do a cartwheel out?
- Would you rather have your only pair of shoes be roller skates or stilts?
- Would you rather have a nose that lights up like Rudolph’s or have pointy ears like an elf?
- Would you rather have to wear a cape everywhere for a year or wear clown shoes every day for a month?
- Would you rather have every cat or dog you meet instantly hate you or be inexplicably terrified of you?
- Would you rather sweat maple syrup or have your tears be hot sauce?
- Would you rather be able to talk to fish, but they hate you, or birds, but they only ever complain?
- Would you rather only be able to use a fork (no spoons or knives) or only be able to use a spoon (no forks or knives)?
Weird Would You Rather Questions

- Would you rather always have to wear socks on your hands or wear a clown nose every day?
- Would you rather have all your clothes fit perfectly or have the most comfortable pillow, blankets, and bed in the world?
- Would you rather have skin that changes color based on your mood or tattoos that appear all over your body, depicting what you did yesterday?
- Would you rather have your hair turn into spaghetti every time you get wet or sweat cheese?
- Would you rather be able to shrink to the size of an ant or grow to the size of a skyscraper at will?
- Would you rather be able to transform into any inanimate object once a day or be able to teleport to a random place on Earth once a week?
- Would you rather have every movie spoiler revealed to you before you watch it or never be able to watch a movie more than once?
- Would you rather have your thoughts broadcasted on speakers everywhere you go or always hear everyone else’s thoughts?
- Would you rather only be able to walk on all fours or only be able to walk backwards?
- Would you rather have to use a public restroom that is always incredibly dirty or one that has a live audience?
- Would you rather eat a sandwich made from all the contents of your fridge mixed together or drink a smoothie made from all the liquids in your fridge?
- Would you rather be a reverse mermaid/merman (fish head, human legs) or reverse centaur (horse head, human body)?
- Would you rather have your body randomly, invisibly teleport 10 feet away every time you sneeze or not be able to tell the difference between a muffin and a baby?
- Would you rather be able to only move when no one is looking at you or freeze whenever someone looks at you?
- Would you rather have to use a typewriter for all your writing or only be able to communicate through interpretive dance?
- Would you rather have to live in a house shaped like a shoe or live in a house that constantly rotates?
- Would you rather have a permanent clown face paint or have your arms replaced with pool noodles?
- Would you rather have your voice sound like Darth Vader or Mickey Mouse for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather have every cat in the world follow you around like you’re their leader or have birds constantly try to land on you?
- Would you rather sneeze glitter or have your tears be scented like roses?
Serious Would You Rather Questions

- Would you rather have the ability to change one event in your past or have a glimpse into your future?
- Would you rather live a life with absolute security but no freedom or a life with complete freedom but no security?
- Would you rather always know when someone is lying or always get away with lying?
- Would you rather end hunger or end hatred worldwide?
- Would you rather have a life-changing epiphany tomorrow or steadily gain wisdom over the years?
- Would you rather be remembered for your intelligence or your kindness?
- Would you rather live in a world where there are no problems or live in a world where you rule?
- Would you rather lose all of your memories or never be able to make new ones?
- Would you rather find true love or achieve your biggest dream?
- Would you rather have the power to heal others or the power to bring peace wherever you go?
- Would you rather live a short life and be remembered forever or live a long life but be forgotten after you die?
- Would you rather have the truth to every question or the wealth to solve any problem?
- Would you rather be able to end all wars or cure all diseases?
- Would you rather go back to the past and meet your ancestors or go to the future and meet your descendants?
- Would you rather live without regrets but with no memories or live with all your memories but full of regrets?
- Would you rather have the ability to change one law of nature or invent one new law of nature?
- Would you rather be able to speak all human languages or be able to communicate with all living creatures?
- Would you rather live a life without pain or a life without love?
- Would you rather know the day you’re going to die or how you’re going to die?
- Would you rather have the ability to end global poverty or the ability to bring about world peace?
Would You Rather Questions About Money

- Would you rather win the lottery but lose all your friends, or lose all your money but find your true love?
- Would you rather have a high-paying job you hate or a low-paying job you love?
- Would you rather inherit a fortune from a stranger or earn a modest living through hard work?
- Would you rather always get everything on sale or never have to pay taxes again?
- Would you rather have financial stability with no luxury items or have luxury items but financial uncertainty?
- Would you rather lose all your money and valuables or all the pictures you have ever taken?
- Would you rather have a job that pays well but offers no time for vacation, or a job that pays poorly but gives you a lot of vacation time?
- Would you rather have a large house and an old car or a small house and a dream car?
- Would you rather be debt-free living a simple life or wealthy with a lot of debt?
- Would you rather have a guaranteed $100,000 or a 50/50 chance at $1,000,000?
- Would you rather have a well-paying job that benefits only you or a lower-paying job that benefits many others?
- Would you rather find true love or find a suitcase with five million dollars?
- Would you rather live without the internet or live without AC and heating but have an extra $500 a month?
- Would you rather win a lifetime supply of free food or free gasoline?
- Would you rather have a very successful career but a short life or a mediocre career but a long life?
- Would you rather be able to buy anything you want but have to return it after one day or only be able to buy things you really need?
- Would you rather have a high salary in a job where you’re not respected or a low salary in a job where you’re loved and respected?
- Would you rather live modestly with your current friends or move to a dream home in a new city without them?
- Would you rather give up all your possessions or all your memories?
- Would you rather have free Wi-Fi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want?
Would You Rather Questions About Food And Drink

- Would you rather eat only pizza for a year or not be able to eat pizza for five years?
- Would you rather have to eat dessert at every meal or never be able to eat dessert again?
- Would you rather give up coffee or soda forever?
- Would you rather have dinner with your favorite celebrity or have a lifetime supply of your favorite food?
- Would you rather always have to use too much salt in your food or never be able to use salt again?
- Would you rather eat a home-cooked meal every night or eat at your favorite restaurant every night?
- Would you rather give up chocolate or cheese forever?
- Would you rather be a famous chef or a famous food critic?
- Would you rather have to eat everything spicy or everything incredibly sweet?
- Would you rather give up all drinks except for water or give up eating anything that was cooked in an oven?
- Would you rather have the ability to make any food you can imagine appear or make any drink you want appear?
- Would you rather live in a world where all food is healthy or a world where you never gain weight no matter what you eat?
- Would you rather eat only cold food or only hot food for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather have an endless supply of your favorite snack or your favorite drink?
- Would you rather only be able to drink black coffee or only be able to drink flavored coffee?
- Would you rather give up alcohol for two years or give up your favorite food for five years?
- Would you rather eat only raw food or only fried food?
- Would you rather have to eat the same meal for every meal for a year or be unable to repeat any meal for a year?
- Would you rather never be able to use garlic in your cooking or never be able to use onions?
- Would you rather be able to eat anything you want without getting full or drink anything without getting drunk?
Would You Rather Questions About Travel

- Would you rather go on a dream vacation for two weeks or spend five days with anyone in the world, but you must stay in your hometown?
- Would you rather travel the world for a year on a shoestring budget or stay in only one country for a year but live in luxury?
- Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or into the future to meet your descendants?
- Would you rather have an unlimited international first-class ticket or never have to pay for food at restaurants?
- Would you rather see the Northern Lights every night or see a new, amazing waterfall every day?
- Would you rather have a travel companion who is constantly complaining or one who never talks?
- Would you rather visit all the countries in the world but only stay for 48 hours in each or stay in one country for a year?
- Would you rather be able to teleport to places you’ve already been or only be able to teleport to places you’ve never been before?
- Would you rather go on a cruise around the world or take a flight to the moon?
- Would you rather explore a new planet or explore the deepest parts of the ocean?
- Would you rather travel always by sailing boat or by hot air balloon?
- Would you rather travel through time whenever you travel or travel in an invisible plane?
- Would you rather have an excellent memory of every trip you take but no photos, or take wonderful photos but have a poor memory of the trip?
- Would you rather travel 100 years into the past or 100 years into the future?
- Would you rather have a trip with no set itinerary and endless surprises or a well-planned, detailed itinerary with no surprises?
- Would you rather hike the Appalachian Trail or sail the Mediterranean Sea?
- Would you rather live in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language or live on an isolated island with only your close family and friends?
- Would you rather never be able to leave your home state again or never be able to return to your home state?
- Would you rather visit the world’s most beautiful islands or the world’s most famous historic landmarks?
- Would you rather have a personal tour guide for every trip you take or always travel solo and figure things out on your own?
Would You Rather Questions About Sports

- Would you rather win an Olympic gold medal or a World Cup?
- Would you rather be a famous professional athlete or a renowned coach of a successful team?
- Would you rather only be able to watch your favorite sport live but never on TV, or only on TV but never live?
- Would you rather have a career-ending injury before your prime or retire without any significant achievements?
- Would you rather play a sport you’re not interested in and win all the time or play your favorite sport and lose all the time?
- Would you rather have tickets to the Super Bowl or to the Olympic Games?
- Would you rather be an amazing player on a mediocre team or a mediocre player on an amazing team?
- Would you rather have a long but average career in professional sports or a brief but spectacular career?
- Would you rather set a world record in an individual sport or be part of a team that wins a championship?
- Would you rather always have to play sports in extreme cold or extreme heat?
- Would you rather meet your sports hero or be a hero to others in your favorite sport?
- Would you rather have a sport named after you or win a prestigious award in your sport?
- Would you rather have free access to any sporting event for life or have the ability to play any sport at a professional level?
- Would you rather be known for your sportsmanship or your skill in your sport?
- Would you rather have the strength of a weightlifter or the speed of a sprinter?
- Would you rather go on a vacation with your favorite sports team or train with them for a day?
- Would you rather have a state-of-the-art home gym or free access to any sports venue?
- Would you rather never miss a game of your favorite sports team or get to play one game with them?
- Would you rather watch sports games in luxury box seating every time or have the chance to play a minor role in a game once?
- Would you rather always have your team make it to the finals but lose or never make it past the first round but always have exciting games?
Would You Rather Questions About Time Travel

- Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or forward in time to meet your descendants?
- Would you rather experience life in the future for one day or relive a day in your past?
- Would you rather be able to change a past event every time you time travel or be a silent observer without the power to alter anything?
- Would you rather travel back to the time of the dinosaurs or forward to the year 3000?
- Would you rather have the ability to see into your own future or be able to visit the past but only as an invisible observer?
- Would you rather be stuck in the past without technology or in the future with unknown technology?
- Would you rather travel back to witness a historical mystery unfold or go to the future to discover the outcomes of present-day mysteries?
- Would you rather live in the medieval times as royalty or in the future as an average person?
- Would you rather be able to stop time at will or speed up time whenever you want?
- Would you rather go back in time to fix your biggest regret or go to the future to see if things work out?
- Would you rather live permanently in a past era of your choice or in a future era but you can’t choose which one?
- Would you rather be able to time travel but it’s random and uncontrolled or be able to control time but never time travel?
- Would you rather go back to your childhood with the knowledge you have now or go to your old age with the energy of your youth?
- Would you rather experience the world 100 years before you were born or 100 years after?
- Would you rather have the power to pause time and explore the world as it is right now or jump to any point in history?
- Would you rather have one trip to the past to change a personal event or one trip to the future to gather information?
- Would you rather go back to ancient Egypt or forward to the world a thousand years from now?
- Would you rather live in a famous historical era but as an average person or live in the future as a person of influence?
- Would you rather be able to time travel to only the past or only the future?
- Would you rather go back in time to live through a famous historical event or travel to the future and bring back technology?
Would You Rather Questions: Ethical Dilemmas

- Would you rather accidentally take credit for someone else’s work or have someone else take credit for your work?
- Would you rather save the life of one family member or save the lives of 1,000 strangers?
- Would you rather live in a world where everyone always tells the truth or a world where everyone always lies?
- Would you rather have the power to end world hunger or the power to stop all wars?
- Would you rather stop using all forms of technology to help the environment or continue using technology but harm the environment?
- Would you rather live a comfortable life but you can never help others or live in poverty but be able to help people in need?
- Would you rather have a high-paying job that might harm others indirectly or a low-paying job that benefits others?
- Would you rather always know when people are lying or always get away with lying?
- Would you rather break the law to save a loved one or let a loved one suffer to uphold the law?
- Would you rather be able to end all corruption in the world but live a short life or live a long life but be unable to affect any change?
- Would you rather live in a world with no crime but no privacy or a world with total privacy but lots of crime?
- Would you rather have the ability to read people’s minds and be disturbed by their thoughts or remain blissfully unaware of what others think?
- Would you rather be unfairly blamed for a problem at work or have a coworker unfairly take the blame for your mistake?
- Would you rather end global poverty or have the ability to bring about world peace?
- Would you rather live in a utopia where you’re not happy or in a challenging world where you find happiness?
- Would you rather be rich and live an unhappy life or be poor but live a happy life?
- Would you rather change a past ethical mistake or be able to avoid a future ethical dilemma?
- Would you rather be known for your integrity but live a life of hardship or be known for deceit but live a life of luxury?
- Would you rather always have to say the whole truth or always have to lie?
- Would you rather live in a world where there are no consequences for your actions or a world where you are accountable for all your actions?