25 Debate Topics About International Relations

Welcome to the wild world of international relations, where no issue is too big or too small to spark a heated debate! From economic policy and global trade to military intervention and human rights, there is no shortage of subjects to debate in international relations. Below you’ll find 30 such topics that will encourage informed discussions about the many challenges and opportunities that face our increasingly interconnected world.
International Relations: Debate Topics
- Should the United States maintain its role as the world’s dominant military power?
- Should international law be used to hold countries accountable for human rights abuses?
- Is the international community doing enough to address climate change?
- Is globalization a positive or negative force in the world?
- Should the United Nations be reformed?
- Should the international community intervene in conflicts between countries?
- Is it appropriate for countries to engage in economic sanctions as a form of foreign policy?
- Is the current system of international trade fair to developing countries?
- Should the world adopt a single currency?
- Should the international community take a more active role in resolving conflicts in the Middle East?
- Should countries be allowed to have nuclear weapons?
- Should the international community work to eliminate poverty?
- Should countries be allowed to censor the internet within their borders?
- Should the international community work to promote democracy in other countries?
- Is the current system of international relations effective in addressing global problems?
- Should countries be allowed to pursue their own interests, even if it harms other countries?
- Is the concept of national sovereignty still relevant in the modern world?
- Should countries be allowed to impose tariffs on imported goods?
- Should the international community work to eliminate hunger and malnutrition?
- Should the international community work to promote gender equality?
- Should countries be allowed to restrict immigration?
- Should the international community work to promote racial equality?
- Should countries be allowed to restrict the free flow of information within their borders?
- Should the international community work to promote LGBTQ+ rights?
- Is the current system of international relations effective in promoting peace and security?