30 Great Explanatory Essay Topics

Explanatory essays are one of the most common essay types students are asked to write. Teachers and students may find it hard at first to come up with interesting topics for explanatory essays, and so we have put together this list of explanatory essay topics for students to write about. First, let’s take a look at what exactly an explanatory essay is.
An Explanatory essay is a type of essay in which the author explains a topic, event, or situation in detail and presents a point of view on the subject. This point of view can be based on the author’s own opinion, or from a different point of view as long as the reasons behind it at explained.
Now that you know what an explanatory essay is, here are some great topics for an explanatory essay. If this is the first time your students are writing this type of essay, you may want to provide them with an explanatory essay example to help them understand the style and format of this kind of essay.
30 Great Explanatory Essay Topics For Students
- What is the most exciting sport to watch? Write an explanatory essay explaining why you feel that way.
- Do you think kids and teenagers should be allowed access to social media? Provide at least 3 reasons to support your answer.
- What’s the best meal or snack you can make at home? Explain step by step how to make it.
- What do you think is the most important rule to follow at school and why?
- Write an explanatory essay about a tradition or holiday that you do not celebrate.
- Which animals make the best pets? Write an essay explaining why you feel that way.
- What an explanatory essay about an event that had a big impact on your life.
- What is the most helpful piece of technology you own? Write an explanatory essay explaining why you think it is the most useful.
- Who is the most influential person in your country? Write an explanatory essay explaining why you think they are so influential.
- What does it mean to be ‘responsible’? How does being responsible change with age?
- What is ‘cyberbullying’, and what are some things you and your peers can do to prevent cyberbullying.
- What are the main differences between your generation and your parents’ generation?
- Write about a 21st-century invention or innovation that has significantly changed how we live our lives.
- Everyone is different! What makes you unique?
- What does it mean to be a good friend? Write at least three qualities a good friend should have.
- If you could build your dream home, what would it be like?
- Name one thing you are really good at. Write an explanatory essay explaining how you would teach this skill to others.
- What’s more important, being rich or being happy? Provide three reasons why you feel the way you do.
- Do you think the school lunch in your school is good? Write an explanatory essay explaining why you like or dislike your school lunch.
- Has the rise of social media had a positive or negative effect on society? Provide at least three reasons why you feel this way?
- What’s the best sandwich you’ve ever had? Write an essay explaining the ingredients and how to make the perfect sandwich.
- Should children and teenagers be allowed to play computer games? Write an explanatory essay justifying your answer.
- What does freedom mean to you?
- Do you think big tech companies have too much power? Write an explanatory essay justifying your answer.
- Should advertisers be allowed to target children in their ads? Write an essay explaining and justifying your answer.
- What job would you like to do in the future? Write an explanatory essay detailing a typical day at the position you chose.
- What important issues would you address if you were the president? Explain why these issues are important to you.
- Write an essay explaining the plot of your favorite book or movie and why you like it so much.
- Which season do you like the most? Write an explanatory essay explaining what it is like at that time of year and why you like it.
- What would you do if you couldn’t use your cellphone for a week? How would your typical day be different?
As you can see, there are lots of interesting explanatory essay topics students can write about. No matter which topic students choose, be sure to let them know the more they write the more they will improve and enjoy writing. Be sure you go, make sure to check out the related writing resources below for many more topic ideas.
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